I didn't think we could be
more further apart
but we are
the small things
not saying "good night"
to each other
I used to pull
the light cord
and, you'd come and hear it
now, the metal chain
is yanked down
I turn on my side to sleep
I've always slept
on my right side
I didn't mean to sleep
away from you
I've slept on the left side
of the bed
and I've still faced outward
sometimes I've been afraid
that you're going to
accidentally hit me in the night
you don't sleep as calmly as
I do
I can't sleep
on my stomach like
you do
you still invite me to eat
your cooking
but I'm not
eating meat so much
so that isn't shared
we can still be
in the same bed
but be worlds apart
people can be worlds apart
and still feel like
they're facing each other
that's love
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